Regulated Medical Waste Guidelines

Regulated Medical Waste (RMW) is material that may be contaminated with blood, bodily fluids, or other infectious materials. RMW may also be referred to as "biohazardous" or "infectious waste". RMW must be properly handled and disposed of in order to minimize the risk of transmitting infection or endangering human health.

  • Cultures and stock of microorganisms and biologicals
  • Human blood and body fluids, and items contaminated with human blood or body fluids
  • Tissues and other anatomical wastes
  • Sharps (such as needles, syringes with attached needles, suture needles, and scalpels), including sharps generated through veterinary practice
  • Animal carcasses and related wastes when animals are intentionally infected
  • Mixtures and residues of regulated medical waste (such as from cleanups of RMW spills)
  • Solid waste suspected by the health care professional in charge of being capable of producing infectious disease in humans

RMW must be collected in leak-proof, puncture resistant containers with lids, lined with red bags imprinted with the infectious waste biohazard symbol. Any sharps or materials contaminated with infectious agents that may puncture a red bag must be deposited in a sharps disposal container.

Any questions/comments about Regulated Medical Waste, please contact B.S.S.F 683-4199 or EH&S 683-4495.

Guidelines for Disposal of Regulated Medical Waste

Below are the guidelines for disposal of Regulated Medical Waste at approved locations (PDF), be sure to review prior to dropping off waste:

For labs/spaces not using the above locations to have RMW autoclaved, contact EHS for disposal.

Send email to with the following information:

  • How many red bags for pick-up?
  • How many sharps containers for pick-up?
  • Bldg & Rm# where RMW is located

Prior to Pick-up

  • Bagged waste must be removed from waste containers and tied shut. Sharps containers are to be sealed (tabs locked) prior to transport and disposal.
  • Bagged waste and sharps must be staged in an area to allow easy access for pickup/disposal. Never place items outside of lab space (public areas).

The following materials should never be autoclaved or placed within Red Biohazard bags:

  • Flammable, reactive, corrosive, toxic chemicals (not including small spills/general disinfecting cleanup items).
  • Radioactive materials
  • Solvents or volatiles.
  • Ethidium Bromide Gels
  • Bleach or any liquids containing bleach (sodium hypochlorite).
  • Mixed waste materials (Radioactive / Chemical).
  • Liquids in sealed containers.
  • Resin plastics that will melt (e.g., high-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), or polyethylene terephthalate glycol-modified (PET-G)).
  • Animal carcasses / anatomical remains.

Approved Bags

  • Must be a RED polypropylene bag that is at least 2 mil thick
  • Must have the Biohazard label, at least 2" in size.
  • Must have the words "Potentially Infectious Material" or "Biohazardous"
  • Must have the words "Autoclave Bag"
  • Recommended bags: Fisherbrand No. 01-828D


 Secondary Containers

  • Have Red Medical Waste bag as a liner.
  • Must be leak-proof, puncture resistant.
  • Have a tight fitting lid.
  • Display Biohazard symbol on container and lid.
  • Kept closed/sealed when not in use.


Biohazard Labels (Print in color)


RMW containers

  • Fisher Scientific (Cat. #13-359-20B) - Thermo Scientific Nalgene Large Polypropylene Sterilizing Pans
  • If there's another tray that could be an option, have it approved through BSSF staff prior to placing an order.

Are rigid, leak-proof, puncture resistant boxes of various sizes made of hard red plastic, with a lid that can be securely sealed to keep contents from falling out, and clearly marked with the biohazard symbol.

Maximum size per container not to exceed 14 quarts

Sharps Containers
  • All bagged waste and Sharps containers must be transported in approved trays, Bins or carts with lids. Never hand carry Regulated Medical Waste outside of the labs without leak-proof containment.
  • Serological pipettes must be placed in the approved sterilization trays, covered with foil and placed on a cart for transport for sterilization



The following materials should never be autoclaved or placed within Red Biohazard bags:

  • Flammable, reactive, corrosive, toxic chemicals (not including small spills/general disinfecting cleanup items).
  • Radioactive materials
  • Solvents or volatiles.
  • Ethidium Bromide Gels
  • Bleach or any liquids containing bleach (sodium hypochlorite).
  • Mixed waste materials (Radioactive / Chemical).
  • Liquids in sealed containers.
  • Resin plastics that will melt (e.g., high-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), or polyethylene terephthalate glycol-modified (PET-G)).
  • Animal carcasses / anatomical remains.

Approved Bags

  • Must be a RED polypropylene bag that is at least 2 mil thick
  • Must have the Biohazard label, at least 2" in size.
  • Must have the words "Potentially Infectious Material" or "Biohazardous"
  • Must have the words "Autoclave Bag"
  • Recommended bags: Fisherbrand No. 01-828D


 Secondary Containers

  • Have Red Medical Waste bag as a liner.
  • Must be leak-proof, puncture resistant.
  • Have a tight fitting lid.
  • Display Biohazard symbol on container and lid.
  • Kept closed/sealed when not in use.


Biohazard Labels (Print in color)


RMW containers

  • Fisher Scientific (Cat. #13-359-20B) - Thermo Scientific Nalgene Large Polypropylene Sterilizing Pans
  • If there's another tray that could be an option, have it approved through BSSF staff prior to placing an order.

Are rigid, leak-proof, puncture resistant boxes of various sizes made of hard red plastic, with a lid that can be securely sealed to keep contents from falling out, and clearly marked with the biohazard symbol.

Maximum size per container not to exceed 14 quarts

Sharps Containers

  • All bagged waste and Sharps containers must be transported in approved trays, Bins or carts with lids. Never hand carry Regulated Medical Waste outside of the labs without leak-proof containment.
  • Serological pipettes must be placed in the approved sterilization trays, covered with foil and placed on a cart for transport for sterilization

